Monday 17 November 2014

MLE. Parent Information Evening

So excited about our journey. Thanks to all the parents that came along tonight to listen, share and question. Hope it helps shed some light on the direction for future classrooms.

Google cars taking over the taxi driver. Wow, but I can see it becoming our reality in my lifetime.

Technology is moving fast!

Consider the in the last 5 years. The ipad or tablet became common place for us. We now have mini computers in our pockets.  I wonder whats around the corner in the next 5 years.

Thought id share a moment during last term Inquiry looking at innovation, a discussion led to the students being shocked when they discovered that I was alive when the World Wide Web was introduced. Yes before the internet!
As you can imagine they really think i'm old now. However, they just couldn't understand a time without it, where as I remember, I couldn't understand how I would use it! 

Reality is, innovation, fast devices, services, apps  continually reshape the employment landscape and future for our children.

Ginnie is putting all the info and the links to tonights slideshow presentation on the school website if you wanted to check it out. Really interesting stuff.

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