Wednesday, 27 August 2014

LINK term 1-3

GO TO........  Click the photo to access the pervious blog, as it has all the website learning links. 

Constructing 3D shapes

Maths: Geomerty Unit

Here is the Mystery Identification Task.

This week we have been learning to recognise, draw and identify properties of 3D shapes.

Under the pieces of material are a variety of 3D shapes. Students had to describe the shape to the group using the specific language required.

Groups need to Identify the number of Faces, Edges, Corners (Vertices) and ask further questions until they correctly identify the shape.

Not only did this secure knowledge of the 3D shapes, it provided opportunities to visualise and question. For the speaker it continues to enhance oral language skills having to be very concise in their descriptions.

Classroom Poetry Competition

Thank you all students and their supporters at home for your efforts in learning to recite a poem of length.

You overcame nerves to showcase what you had prepared.  Well done!

I was so impressed, as I watched you for the first time, particularly at the level of confidence. For those reciting their own poems, I must say, I was 'wowed' by the true poets who emerged within the room.
Thank you all.

The winners in the classroom Competition were:

Niamh, Luca, Libby, and Swastik. All entered into the Senior Final.

Poetry Finals

Congratulations to Niamh and Luca on achieving 3rd equal in the Senior Poetry finals this week. Well done!

Sunday, 17 August 2014


New words will be generated from spelling errors in writing found in marking. It is important the students can secure the spelling of current vocabulary, the words they are using on a daily basis. Sometimes words will be given around our topic of study too or particular words that have relevance to the weeks learning. Any extension from here will be reverted back to the existing lists. But limited to 12 words a week. A spelling notebook will come home with the words for the week.
Thank you

Wednesday, 13 August 2014