Hanmer Springs camp was awesome! Thank you Thank you.
Thank you all the parents for sending your kids, it was a huge few days of learning.
Learning outside the classroom, they all learnt a little more about each other and a lot about themselves.
Trying new things and pushing through thoughts and feelings of fear and worry to take risks, to trust those around them and climb higher. Literally - Tree climbing was so memorable. So many thought they couldn't go higher, but pushed themselves and did. Well done all of you.
I have some really special moments watching the climbers. Fear changed to determination and success. Wow!
It was so wonderful to see the children working outside the classroom walls, many were able to shine and highlighted for me a variety of strengths and confidence in a range of different situations and contexts.
It even snowed on Tueday night, which was a real treat for me!
They all loved the pools, especially the night swim, the steam rising off hot pools in freezing outside temperature and mood lighting were just magical.
We are making i-movies for camp so will be posting for you to view when they are finished.